About Me

I hail from the capital city, Little Rock I am a firm believer in the saying, “You must know where you came from yesterday, know where you are today, to know where you're going tomorrow." (Cree saying) I would like to share a little history about my hometown. Little Rock derives its name from a small rock formation on the south bank of the Arkansas River called la Petite Roche (French: "the little rock"). The "little rock" was used by early river traffic as a landmark and became a well-known river crossing. The "little rock" is across the river from "big rock," a large bluff at the edge of the river, which was once used as a rock quarry. La Petite Roche (French for "the Little Rock"), named in 1721 by French explorer and trader Jean-Baptiste Bénard de la Harpe, marked the transition from the flat Mississippi Delta region to the Ouachita Mountain foothills. Travelers referred to the area as "the Little Rock," and the landmark name stuck.

Today, Little Rock is a hub for legislative, industrial, educational and cultural activities. We pride our many diverse cultural activities. My city is home to the Clinton presidential Library. Little rock is also home to many corporate offices headquartered here, Dillard’s, Stephens, Acxiom and Wind stream Communications to name a few.  Despite its size, Little Rock and its surroundings are the headquarters for some of the largest and most recognizable non-profit organizations in the world, including Winrock International, Heifer International, and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, Clinton Foundation, and Lions World Services for the Blind, Clinton Presidential Center, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, Family Life, Audubon Arkansas, and The Nature Conservancy.

Little Rock also has a diverse mix of cultural venues. In addition, to the many museums such as, The Art Center, Historic Arkansas Museum, MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History and The Old State House, where President Clinton celebrated his presidential bid, we are home to our very own Arkansas Repertory Theatre and a phenomenal Symphony orchestra.

I grew up in this great city. I have been a gymnast, a competitive cheerleader and a state ranked swimmer. I love to hike, rock climb, traveling, cooking, swimming and working out. Some might call me a little bit of a tom boy!  I am a graduate of Mount Saint Mary’s Academy and a 2012 graduate of Ouachita Baptist University, with a Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre. I have been blessed to study and perform in several operas in Italy while studying abroad. I love the theatre arts and have a passion for opera and musical theatre.

Following graduation, I was offered an opportunity of a lifetime, working at the Clinton Foundation as a special events coordinator. Having the privilege to work closely with Former President Bill Clinton, family, and team members I was able to organize events for educational workshops, International delegates, and assimilating briefing books for the Welcome to Arkansas Dip Corps project.

Today, I am currently preparing for the Miss Arkansas 2013 pageant as Miss Greater Little Rock, in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The Miss Arkansas Pageant has maintained a tradition for many decades of empowering young women to change their personal and professional goals, while providing a forum in which to express their opinions, talent and intelligence. Throughout my preparations for Miss Arkansas, I still work and make appearances at the William J. Clinton Foundation, as well as the Presidential Library. The 2013 pageant will again take place in Hot Springs July 17th - 20th at Summit Arena and it will be streaming live online at www.missarkansas.org!

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